Discover your hair type!
Are you tired of hearing all the talk about these different hair types but not really understanding what they are? Click on your curl pattern below to discover more about your texture!

Hair health tea- Your lack of volume and definition means that products can easily weigh them down and strands can become straight so use lighter styling products like mousses and gels. Screen shot this information for your future reference.

Your hair is mostly straight at the roots and falls into more defined S-shaped waves from the mid-lengths to the ends. It is a medium texture with some frizz at the crown. Hair health tea- Apply your favorite moisturizer and styler to freshly washed hair. Flip your hair upside down inside a cotton T-shirt. Let sit for 10-20 mins Diffuse or air dry and Done! This is a great way to add definition to your curls. Screen shot this information for your future reference.

Your waves are more defined and start at the roots, than with curls and ringlets. This texture is typically thick or coarse, and is prone to frizzing.

You have big, loose curls and spirals similar in circumference to a piece of thick, sidewalk chalk. Your curls tend to be shiny, with a well-defined S-shape. Quick tip!- Finger twirl your curls for more definition! Try our Nirvana Leave in conditioner to moisturize your curls!

Your springy curls can vary from ringlets to corkscrews. They are voluminous and have a circumference similar to a Sharpie marker. Type 3b hair tends to be coarse and dense. Hair health tea- Use an anti-humectant (humidity blocking) styling cream or styling milk for less frizz but more definition. Screen shot this information for your future reference.

This often is referred to as curly-coily and tends to be very dense, tightly packed corkscrews that are the circumference of a pencil or a straw. Type 3c hair tends to experience the most volume, but also the most shrinkage of curls. Hair health tea- Gently enhance and safely stretch without heat using a twist-out, bantu-knot out, flexi rod set, or perm rod set. Try Our Nirvana Leave in Conditioner and Atman Flaxseed Gel for a soft touchable hold. Screen shot this information for your future

Your dense, springy coils are either wiry or fine, and have the circumference of a crochet needle. They are tightly coiled, with a visible S pattern. Hair health tea- Use thicker natural emollients like mango and shea butters to maximize your wash-and-go, twist-out, or bantu knot-out style after washing. Our Coco Aloe is the perfect styler to get the job done! Screen shot this information for your future reference.

Instead of curling or coiling, your hair bends in sharp angles like the letter Z. The curl is tighter and less defined - about the circumference of a pen - with strands that range from fine and thin to wiry and coarse. Hair health tea- Pre-poo with our Highly Textured Moisturizing Oil to help retain the natural oils in your scalp. Screen shot this information for your future reference.

Your densely packed hair is similar to a 4b, but experiences less definition and more shrinkage. The tightly coiled strand texture ranges from super fine, thin and soft to wiry and coarse. It is very delicate. Hair health tea- Use a creamy humectant as our Nirvana Leave in Conditioner and seal with our Coco Aloe to maximize protection from the elements. Screen shot this information for your future reference.